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Our Health and Medical Check-ups Are Done Annually

Can Your Marriage Pass An Annual Checkup


Your medical check-up is done annually by your doctor, the concern in this devotional is about your marriage.  James V. Córdonva’s has a book entitled, The Marriage Checkup, “which is designed to help couples assess the strengths and weaknesses of their relationship and to develop strategies for strengthening its health.”  The information that is shared with you in this devotional cost you nothing but some sacrifices and the daily reading of your bible. My husband and I share years of experience regarding circumstances and situations that arise in married life, and these are some tips that might help you along your way.  Please read this devotional and apply the exercises on rainy days or days that you’re both together at the same time. It just might make a difference in your marriage.

Lover's Embrace

Rainy Day 1: 

SWOT Analysis

Olive Oil Photography

Rainy Day 3:

Oil Change


Rainy Day 5:

100,000 Miles Check

Church Cross

Rainy Day 6:

The Body


Rainy Day 2:

Check Engine Light

Hatha Class

Rainy Day 4:

Get a Tune-Up


Rainy Day 6:

Battery Life

Rainy Day Results

It would be remiss of both me and my husband to share with you something that we have not tried ourselves.    

Maybe not in the exact same order, but we have survived many years of marriage with these rainy day techniques.  One thing you must be forewarned about is that marriage is work. If you can work every day to pay your bills, buy new clothing, buy groceries and other everyday activities that go along with life.  Why not use that same energy to work for your marriage. It does not have to be a difficult work ethic, and you can have a lot of fun while you’re working on it. There are problems and issue that happen in all marriages.  Don’t throw in the towel so quickly until you have at least given your marriage the chance it deserves. Remember ladies, the Bible says in Proverbs 18:22, “He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord.”  Therefore, let him find you, don’t you chase him.

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